Married Couples - Joint or Separate Bank Accounts? 1

Married Couples – Joint or Separate Bank Accounts?

People are getting married later in life now. More and more couples are waiting until after certain milestones are achieved, such as graduating from school or attaining job security. This means that more and more people are independently financially stable before merging their lives – and money – with someone else. That can spell trouble for a new couple; when two people who are used to spending freely without consulting someone else are all of a sudden asked to share financial responsibilities. As a newly married woman, I have first-hand experience with how difficult it can be to merge finances with the love of your life. We were both employed long before we met and financially stable as independent people. Rationally, one might think that would mean we would be financially stable as a couple in love, but creating one budget from two independent ones is sometimes more difficult than it looks. No one can say what will definitely work for you, but here are a few tips to keep your heads above water.

“There’s a manner of moving price range that is even quicker than digital banking. It’s known as marriage.” Oscar Wilde

Did that cash is one of the top causes of divorce? In fact, a divorce examination that includes an extra than 4500 couples showed that arguing over cash is the TOP predictor of divorce; no longer intercourse, in-legal guidelines, or youngsters. Additionally, the observer concluded that arguments over cash were commonly longer and greater intensity than arguments over other subjects.

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This is troubling information. Fortunately, there are numerous methods to alleviate this trouble that many couples have taken to prevent such arguments from taking location. You and your partner are the best ones who could, in the end, decide what’s first-rate for you about money and marriage.

My spouse and I have used monetary consultants in the past. Simultaneously, as their recommendation was useful, we ultimately decided what labored fine for us based on our personal financial situation. That is why it’s far critical for you and your partner to sit down and have a thorough discussion about price range and how you are going to paintings collectively.

If you and your spouse have in no way mentioned having separate or joint financial institution accounts, now is the time! If there is an ability problem, it’s far better to come back to an answer before it is too overdue. Fortunately, there are a few distinct methods married couples can comply with to deal with their budget.

The 3 most popular strategies for dealing with a price range in marriage consist of married with separate checking accounts, joint checking debts, and aggregate joint/separate checking bills.

1. Married to Separate Checking Accounts

One technique married couples can use to manipulate their finances is to have completely separate checking bills. Just because you’re married does not suggest you have to sacrifice ALL independence, simply the maximum of it! Ha.

This method works high-quality for couples that are still used to being financially independent or can not stand the concept of sharing a bank account recovery with their partner for something cause. However, DO NOT permit this to cause financial secrecy. Financial secrecy in a wedding can cause disastrous outcomes.

If you and your partner determine to be married with separate checking bills, you have to determine how to split the payments. If your salaries are quite comparable, it takes the experience to cut up the bills 50/50. On the other hand, if there is a huge disparity among your salaries, it might be great to decide how many earnings you and your partner contribute to the whole month-to-month revenue and pay that percentage towards the entire month-to-month payments as discussed under.


Preserves an experience of monetary independence
Works nicely if each salary is comparable


It could result in arguing over massive purchases and the way they’ll be split
Could result in a large disparity in lifestyle (e.G. One spouse makes enough to spend lavishly while the other does not)

2. Joint Checking Accounts for Married Couples

Joint checking money owed to married couples is every other option you and your partner could take to manipulate your price range. The distinction here is that each spouse’s salaries move into one joint account, and the entirety is spent out of that one account. Logistically speaking, that is the easiest approach to apply, considering there is no mathematical equation to parent out how many bills every partner’s revenue will go to.

For this method, all expenses pop out of the joint account, along with miscellaneous spending, including date night, clothes shopping, domestic prices, groceries, and so forth. There is no other separate account for every partner for extra spending cash, making it tons easier to song fees.

If you are newlyweds, this will be the way to go starting because it’s far the very best to parent out. After a few months, you and your partner will quickly recognize whether or no longer that is proper for you; trust me on this. However, if considered one of you is terrible at tracking exams, recklessly spends, or absent-minded about ATM withdrawals, this may no longer be the exceptional approach for you.



It makes keeping music cash easy
Allows you to work collectively as one instead of one at a time


Could result in arguments if one spouse mismanages cash often
Can make every spouse experience like they can’t purchase something without first consulting with each different making them feel particularly trapped (my wife had this grievance which turned into legitimate)

3. Combination Joint Account with Separate Checking Accounts

This technique allows the couple to percentage one joint account for bills and common prices and preserves separate checking bills for private costs. Many married couples utilize this method and make it work flawlessly. Okay, now not flawlessly. Let’s face it: nothing in marriage is perfect. But you realize what I imply.

Having separate money owed for personal costs lets each spouse contribute to joint costs yet maintain their own money for purchases they want to make. This approach works mainly nicely if there’s a huge disparity between the 2 earning.

To use the aggregate joint account with the separate checking debts technique, each partner should first determine how many of their earnings are protected inside each partner’s overall income. Confused already? Let me give you an example. Let’s say that the entire monthly profits of both spouses equal $four,000. The spouse makes $2,500 in keeping with the month, and the husband makes $1,500 consistent with the month (sorry, men, in recent times, ladies are making more money than us!).

The next step would be dividing every spouse’s character monthly earnings into the total month-to-month profits, which is $4,000, to decide how many earnings he/she is bringing to the desk. So, in this example, the husband would be contributing $1,500/$4,000, and the spouse would be contributing $2,500/$4,000, which pops out to 37.5% for the husband and sixty-two—5% for the spouse. Make feel?

After you determine what percentage of salaries every partner brings to the table, you may take that range and distribute the bills in step with that percent. Probably still harassed. I’m confusing myself just penning this post so that you’re not by myself.

Anyway, let’s assume that the couple determines that their general month-to-month joint costs are $2, four hundred per month. This must include lease, utilities, vehicle bills, loans, groceries, gas, credit score card bills, and some other prices which might be jointly shared (I realize what you are possibly wondering. Where in the global does this couple live? Mobile, Alabama? Absolutely now not in Southern California). This range needs to encompass costs that are NOT necessities, going out to dinner, furnishings buying, clothes buying, shoes purchasing (girls), and different things.

This might additionally include ring buying, particularly for Tiffany. God, I hate Tiffany. I assume I will start announcing that during every submission simply to emphasize my hatred for it.

Okay, again to the $2, four hundred according to a month in bills. Since the husband’s profits bill for 37.5% of the total earnings, he’d be liable for $2,400 x 0.375 of the entire monthly payments, which comes out to $900. The wife could be accountable for $2, four hundred x zero.625, which comes out to $1,500. So, in this case, the husband might pay $900 in the direction of the monthly joint payments, and the wife might pay $1,500 towards the month-to-month bills. Get it? I bet the old saying, “the more you are making, the extra you pay,” applies right here!

After you parent out every spouse’s total monthly contribution to payments, you could then determine how many are leftover for each partner to use as they please of their separate checking money owed. In the above example, the husband might have $1,500 minus $900 ($six hundred) to use in his separate checking account, and the wife would have $2,500 minus $1,500 ($1,000) to use in her separate checking account. This technique permits the honest distribution of payments according to each spouse’s profits.

Having one joint account for payments with separate checking debts for private fees works very well while every spouse has one-of-a-kind spending behavior, and there is a massive disparity among the 2 earning. For example, my wife likes to spend money whilst I like to hoard it away. Having separate checking money owed lets every partner to spend more money as they please. So, girls, go out and purchase your rattling Tiffany. Men, purchase your device sets. Or, if you’re like me, hoard that more money away!


However, understand that this isn’t always a perfect solution for every couple. If you and your spouse are to this point in debt that your total monthly payments actually exceed the share of income you both contribute to bills, then you have to discover approaches to reduce prices! Believe me; it can be achieved.


Allows each partner to hold a feel for economic independence at the same time as nonetheless contributing a portion of their profits to payments
It prevents the sensation of being trapped and unable to make non-public purchases without first consulting their spouse.


More work than having completely separate financial institution debts or one joint bank account
Final Note

The handling price range in a marriage is a completely daunting challenge. There are execs and cons, irrespective of what method you use. And no person technique goes to match every married couple perfectly.

It could be unfortunate to say that so many married couples ruin the sacred dedication to God and every other over money. Marriage needs to by no means bring about divorce over cash. It’s a downright horrible reason.

However, if you and your partner do not figure out a way to handle your cash collectively, it’s far a totally possible truth. Don’t allow it to get to that point. And do not allow cash to rule your marriage! Money has never to rule you; you ought to rule your money.

I bet this is why Matthew makes it very clear in Matthew 6:24 whilst he says, “No, you’ll serve masters. Either he’ll hate the only and love the alternative, or he will be devoted to the only and despise the other. You can not serve both God and Money.”

I assume this will absolutely follow in your marriage. Just as you cannot serve both God and money, you can’t love cash over your spouse. In the end, your partner comes earlier than money, and you must now not beneath any instances permit money disputes to interfere with that.

As constantly, please feel loose to remark when you have any hints/feedback/worries on the way you and you’re sizable another divvy up cash and the way it has worked out.