Is Scrivener the Right Solution for Writing Blogs? 1

Is Scrivener the Right Solution for Writing Blogs?

Is your writing as accurate as it possibly can be?

Would you like to make your writing simpler, more efficient, and take it to the subsequent level?

Well, perhaps it is time to recollect graduating from Microsoft Word to software only for authors: Scrivener.

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So, have you ever heard of Scrivener? If you have not, right here’s a concise introduction:

Scrivener is a writing online, concept management, word management, research control, and textual content employer device designed for writers.


Here are the particular strengths of Scrivener when it comes to your writing:

The longer the report, the extra Scrivener shines. Instead of desperately looking to keep track of notes, thoughts, studies, and storylines over dozens, even hundreds of pages, Scrivener enables you to keep the whole thing prepared and heading in the right direction for you.

With Scrivener, you may have notes and research proper next to your writing. So as opposed to jumping between documents or sticking dozens of Post-it notes on your display, the notes on whatever you are probably writing about proper at that second are continually directly after each different. This allows you to stay efficient and continue your writing skills as correct as viable.

Scrivener makes it an absolute cinch to move massive or small sections of your file round. If you’re reorganizing chapters or even sections of chapters, Scrivener makes this rather smooth with only a little drag-and-drop.

And right here’s one further big gain – the software program exports into more than one codecs handy for authors, so there may be no need to address multiple portions of software or pay greater for format conversion. Plus, all of the guesswork is taken out of the manner for you, so you can without difficulty export immediately from Scrivener into ePub and Kindle format.

Sounds high-quality, right?

It is! But, it is not necessarily all smooth cruising. There are some things it is critical you preserve in thoughts:

Scrivener is not loose. Well, we all want to devour. Even the authors of notably useful software! But, there is a remarkably beneficial unfastened trial. You can try it out for 30 days. But – not 30 days from the moment you install it. 30 real days of use. So if you simplest use the software program once every week, you can then grow to be using it for over half a year earlier than you actually need to buy it!

And it’s not the easiest software program to apply in the world. But in conjunction with this text, there may also be lots of unfastened tutorials on YouTube, so simply with a touch investment of time, you may stand up to speed very quickly.

Here’s a Crash Course Into Scrivener…

So now that you’re satisfied that Scrivener is a much more suitable (and effective) answer for you than Word, specifically for longer documents, allow’s dive into a number of its less difficult capability that you could start benefiting from immediately…

Let’s run thru some key capabilities…

Organization of Chapters

Whatever you are writing a book, it’ll be broken up into chapters, of course, or at the least, sections.

Scrivener allows you to create an outline of all your chapters and the sections that make up the one’s chapters, and without difficulty rearrange them, but you select, and each time you select.

At this point, we’re nevertheless at a stage of capability. This is also available in Microsoft Word. But, to very quickly begin to change, as you’ll see…

So no longer only do you get a clear definition of your ebook/file and might re-setup it very without problems, it lets you set “flags” in your chapters/sections so you can definitely mark the modern-day status of every.

For example, as soon as you have written your first rough draft, you may pick out to change its color to yellow. Then as soon as you’ve created the second draft, it is ready to be sent to an editor (or for finalization if you’re doing it all yourself), you can flag it as inexperienced.

As referred to, a chapter can be made of any range of sections. A section may be as big or small as you like, relying on you to jot down and prepare your content. And in view that every one of those sections can be an installation with flags too, with an easy look you already know the precise fame of something it’s far you are running on.

Notes and Other References

Your studies have their very own segment in Scrivener. Here you could write notes to your self, encompass hyperlinks to assets, or even copy and paste instantly off the net and into Scrivener, so you have the contents of a web page right there to refer lower back to at any time without having to click out of the software (when you consider that there lies the danger of being distracted).


Plus, similar to every part of Scrivener, your notes section can be organized into classes, so however you like to shape and talk to your notes, the software will quite happily accommodate that.

And importantly, you could have the research section of Scrivener and your writing window open simultaneously. So no want to continuously click from one part of the software program to every other? You have got your studies without delay on your eye line as you write, making referencing lots simpler and faster.

Your Characters

When writing fiction, you want to have an obvious idea of your characters – their characteristics, appearance, history, and something else you want to completely understand to flesh them out for your writing.

Well, Scrivener gives a phase for this, too, so that as you write, you could have a reference right in front of you approximately who you are writing about. It helps you keep away from getting info combined up among characters! Plus, you may encompass images (even simply of celebrities who seem like who you have in mind) so that you can see them sincerely, with a purpose to assist manual your writing.

The Main Export Formats

Scrivener offers many export codecs along with even Microsoft Word layout if you decide you would opt to briefly paintings to your manuscript in Word for whatever cause.

The two formats to save you a ton of effort, be used again and again (if you’re a prolific writer), and that you may locate surely essential are exporting to ePub and also Kindle format.

Further Benefits of Scrivener

Let’s dive a bit into some of the extra advanced functionality Scrivener offers and how it enables you to be a greater efficient and efficient author, something form of content material you will be creating...

Distraction-Free Writing

It’s so smooth whilst writing at a computer to get distracted. Emails coming in, Skype messages acting, and Facebook desires to be checked that second, right?

Well, what if you may hide all that, and handiest have the textual content you are writing visible on the screen? Scrivener offers exactly that. Everything disappears beside what you are running on till you’re equipped to return to your normal operating environment.

This doesn’t guarantee which you won’t be tempted to check your email and notice what is occurring on Facebook. Still, it, in reality, enables hide all that far away from you to help decrease distractions as plenty as viable.

Speaking of which…

  • Setting and Meeting Project Targets
  • Do you have got a concept of the way long your ebook goes to be?
  • Well, shall we embrace 50,000 words, deliver or take.
  • Next query:

When must the primary (rough) draft of your ebook be written? Well, let’s say April twenty-ninth, and let’s say it’s 20 days far away from now.

Okay, so what number of days every week could you like to work? Monday through to Friday, or perhaps the weekend too?

So shall we say on this instance you will cross flat out with this and have determined on writing seven days a week? Okay, so what does that exercise session as?

It’s 2,500 phrases a day.

Sound practical?

Or how about if you pick out to take one day without work per week?

That kind of will increases your required everyday word count to 3,000.

Scrivener enables you to live on target with your writing dreams to maintain your responsible to assembly you’re everyday writing goal. This is called the Target Tracker.

And it is said that Stephen King writes 2,000 words a day, day in, day out. And it works for him. So possibly there’s something to always writing instead of the ceremonial dinner or famine method of waiting around for a proposal.

And remember, this is your first draft. You cannot improve what does not exist, so get something written, after which your review, enhancing, and finalization cycles are where “ok” even “terrible” writing will become superb. But it has to exist in the first place, so do not get hung up on the primary draft.

Scrivener Always Remembers Where You Are

Each time you open up Word, you are lower back on the pinnacle of the record, proper? Well, Scrivener takes an exclusive and more useful approach. Wherever you were while you closed the software program ultimate time is when it opens up next time. This makes carrying on wherein you left off, from someday to the next, so much simpler.

The Corkboard

The corkboard in Scrivener is any other way of viewing and affecting the outline of your report. Instead of being provided with a long listing of chapters and sections, you could see each bankruptcy, and every section, as a (virtual) piece of paper pinned to a corkboard.

Plus, on this screen, you don’t simply see chapter/segment titles but also brief overviews. This is super for planning and terrific for rearranging your content visually.

Using Scrivener for Blogging… Too Much?

Scrivener doesn’t just need to be for books and lengthy files; it can work for weblog posts.

Of direction, if you tend to jot down and post 500-word blog posts, the usage of Scrivener might be like using a sledgehammer to pound in a nail. But in case you tend to write down intensive blog posts of 2,000 words and up, and you locate you’re not as effective or powerful a writer as you trust you may be running in Word, then possibly it is time to make a move to Scrivener.

In truth, you can use the software program to map out your writing for weeks in advance. For example, you may outline all the blogger’s blog posts you’re making plans to post in April. Within Scrivener, each chapter can be a separate weblog submit, after which of the route within every post there’s a couple of sections.

Then the same tips as above observe – it is smooth to shape and re-setup your posts, you could without problems preserve notes and studies in the front of you, and you may make clear at a glance the reputation of every submit maybe of every segment.

Or you can have a path if you prefer to create a brand new Scrivener mission for each weblog submit or for each batch of related tasks. If you’re running a series of related blog posts or weblog posts all on a comparable subject matter, then each of those batches of posts, even supposing they may be no longer posted in the collection, can be bundled together into an unmarried project.


So since Scrivener does have a loose trial, and in case you’re a prolific blogger (or would like to be), try out the software and notice if it facilitates you write greater effectively and productively.

Scrivener – Beyond the Basics

This article has been a quick dive into Scrivener and how you may begin getting efficient with it right away. However, honestly, we’ve touched the surface here. As soon as the use of the software program turns into a habit, this is running for you, you may need; you explore capability beyond the basics to assist genuinely make your writing time as effective as viable.