The Top 10 Health Myths Finally Exposed! 1

The Top 10 Health Myths Finally Exposed!


Only 4 hundred years inside the past, it becomes believing that the sun revolved across the Earth. It became nice in the past due 19th century that the barbaric exercising of bloodletting (and as quickly as believed ‘treatment all’ of ailment) changed into eventually abandoned.

Thanks to advances in the era and medicinal drugs, discoveries were made to reshape vintage paradigms and modify our questioning way. Therefore, we’d anticipate that in this current age of technology, remedy, and era, a well-installed consensus on fitness facts could exist… Sadly this is NOT the case.

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In reality, some of the modern-day health tips are inflicting a boom in health issues. Several leading health researchers factor to the truth that the one’s hints are frequently driven by way of using positive industries who have vested interests; particularly income, at stake.

As a former scholar of herbal remedies, and having now been concerned in the health & fitness enterprise for over 17 years, it is my goal to shed some light on 10 of the maximum commonplace fitness myths – as debatable as they will be!

The Top 10 Health Myths are as follows:

Myth 1: Your genetics decide whether or now not you’ll get maximum cancers

Myth 2: For ideal fitness, comply with the recommendations of the meals pyramid

Myth three: The solar reasons pores and skin most cancers

Myth four: People are obese due to the fact they’ve sluggish metabolisms

Myth 5: Cows milk is a superb delivery of calcium and builds robust bones

Myth 6: Eggs are high in cholesterol and must, consequently, be averted

Myth 7: Margarine is a better choice than butter

Myth eight: Artificial sweeteners are a tremendous alternative to sugar

Myth nine: You must devour a low-fat diet

Myth 10: I must drink purple wine as my medical health practitioner suggests it for proper coronary heart fitness

Let’s address those one at a time…

Myth 1: Your genetics determine whether you could get most cancers.

Fact: Your LIFESTYLE is the unmarried most figuring out factor, not your genes!

Just because of the reality your mother or father died from cancer does not imply you want to suffer the equal future. It all comes down to lifestyle alternatives.

Unhealthy weight loss plan, lack of exercise and terrible manner of life options, play a prime position in the development of many ailments, along with most cancers.

Dr. Rachel Thompson, technology application supervisor for the World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF) dispels this commonplace fantasy and she or he conservatively estimates that lack of workout and being obese, reasons 3 times as many cases of cancer as genetics.

According to her, the evidence indicates that 39 in line with a cent of the maximum commonplace cancers, including breast and bowel, can be avoided thru a first-rate food regimen, workout, and preserving weight underneath control.

“It’s important to dispel the myth that maximum cancers are right down to genes,” says Thompson. “The evidence suggests that a dangerous weight loss program and occasional interest tiers purpose three times greater most cancers instances than genes. If human beings have the circle of relatives information, then that is critical records for then, but ordinary this inherited genetic predisposition is uncommon. In reality, those who have inherited genes want to pay even closer interest in their lifestyle as there is probably the fact that loads they can do to lessen their risk.

“It is obvious that selecting a wholesome eating regimen and being greater physically lively are important methods to help save you many cancers,” she brought. Furthermore, an observation executed in 2005 via Dean Ornish and buddies at the University of California, San Francisco, US, tested the results of a dramatic manner of life alternate on gene expression in 30 men with prostate maximum cancers.

Biopsies were taken earlier than, and after 3 months of healthy eating, slight workout, pressure management, and psychotherapy confirmed a sizable trade in the expression of masses of genes. Healthy ingesting and workout turned crucial genes on and rancid. Many, such as several genes worried in tumor formation, had been down-regulated, or a great deal much less energetic. Others, such as a few sickness-preventing genes, have been greater lively. Thee ones effects display that first-class lifestyle modification can slow the development of most cancers; the consequences may also be full-size for maximum cancers prevention.


Conclusion: Many humans receive as authentic that inherited genes or surely terrible excellent fortune are the handiest factors in cancer development. It is time this fable turned into laid to rest. Myth 2: For the right health, have a look at the pointers of the meals pyramid. Fact: Following the suggestions of the meals pyramid is awful for your fitness! The unique 1992 U.S.D.A. Food pyramid turned into based on the identical suggestions and ratios for fattening cattle and specific livestock!

According to Harvard Scientist Dr. Walter Willett, the precise food pyramid modified into caused with the aid of meals industries in the location of valid medical studies. He additionally states that the food pyramid is “highly misleading and incorrect.” For example, blanket tips are made that every one fat is awful and all carbohydrates are the same; it is virtually not proper.

Moreover, the actual meals pyramid advocates eating 6-eleven servings of carbohydrate steady with the day. Therefore it is rarely surprising that we have got such immoderate prices of kind 2 grown-up onset diabetes and weight problems. Recommendations concerning exercising, alcohol consumption, and the significance of culmination and veggies are conspicuously lacking.

The New ‘Longevity’ Pyramid!

Dr. Mitra Ray, author of ‘From Here to Longevity, ‘ advocates a state-of-the-art food pyramid primarily based on sound fitness concepts. This new meal pyramid has a basis of five-10 servings of non-starchy vegetables. The subsequent tier is meat, fish and chook 2-three servings in addition to lentils, beans, raw nuts, or seeds comprising 1 serving. The next level is fruit, 2-four servings, and the pinnacle-degree (or least quantity) is whole grains, bread, and cereals with a maximum of servings per day.

Myth 3: The sun motives pores and pores and skin maximum cancers.

Fact: The frame desires sunlight! Regular exposure to sunlight can reduce the prevalence of maximum cancers with the resource of as an awful lot as 60%. Unfortunately, many well-intentioned scientific doctors and dermatologists propagate the perception that the sun causes most cancers while, in reality, the alternative is actual.

For instance, much research demonstrates that people who live in sunnier, southern latitudes and who have better vitamin D ranges (because of their extended solar exposure) are heaps much less likely to die from any cancer than human beings in northern latitudes.

There is likewise robust evidence that daytime protects against MS and breast maximum cancers. Contrary to what you can have heard, suitable sun exposure truly allows save you the deadly shape of skin most cancers, melanoma. In fact, prices of cancer had been determined to decrease with more sun exposure. Melanoma is extra commonplace in indoor personnel than doors humans, and cancer extra commonly appears on the body, which might be NOT uncovered to the solar.

To appreciably lessen our hazard of growing most cancers, we need to make sure we’ve regular sun exposure to maintain weight loss plan D at maximum suitable tiers. Recommendation: Try to acquire 10-15 minutes of sun exposure in keeping with the day. Cover up with clothing to prevent sunburn, and ensure to keep away from the use of commercial sunscreens as those encompass toxic chemical substances associated with skin most cancers & melanoma (excellent however proper) AND they block the absorption of food plan D. If you have to use sunscreen, use a natural, chemical-free opportunity.

Myth 4: People are overweight because of the fact they have got gradual metabolisms.

Fact: Only a tiny percent of humans have sluggish metabolisms.

It’s a common grievance, however, research shows you can’t use a sluggish metabolism as a reason for weight benefit. In fact, contemporary research has determined out that overweight human beings absolutely have quicker metabolisms and burn off more energy than their lighter opposite numbers. Your body composition, mainly your lean muscle mass, determines your basal metabolic fee (BMR) or the quantity of power you burn at relaxation.

The greater lean muscle you have, the greater energy you burn, and people who are overweight normally have an improved metabolic price because of the fact they’ve got more muscle in addition to fat.

This is why men – who usually have more lean muscle than ladies – will be predisposed to lose weight faster and benefit more slowly. It’s additionally why specialists propose energy schooling to construct muscle tissues. BMR is likewise stricken by how plenty you work out. All bodily activity, now a not just strenuous hobby, will grow the form of calories you burn. There IS one in every detail as a gradual metabolism; however, it’s very uncommon.

If you’re concerned with a gradual metabolism, are searching for recommendations from your health professional. Your fitness expert may propose a test to calculate your BMR or resting energy expenditure. Medical situations that can lower BMR or adjust your muscle-to-fat ratio embody hypothyroidism and Cushing’s syndrome. The backside line: Most overweight or obese individuals do not get that way because of a gradual metabolism. They get that manner because they consume too much energy and do no longer exercise sessions sufficient.

Myth 5: Cows milk is an excellent supply of calcium and builds robust bones.

Fact: Cows milk isn’t always designed for human intake. We are the only species in the world to drink every other species of milk… Cow’s milk is for cows!

People who’ve grown up believing that cows milk is incredible for you, that it’s far a first-rate source of calcium and produces sturdy bones, are in for a surprise! In reality, many first-rate clinical doctors are absolutely pronouncing dairy intake is a contributing issue in almost a dozen illnesses of children and adults.


Our “dietary training” in college (funded in the aspect of using the dairy enterprise) taught us that dairy merchandise is one of the four fundamental food companies we all need for correct nutrients. As a result, dairy merchandise has become a well-entrenched and critical staple of presidency-subsidized faculty lunch programs.

Cow’s milk can result in iron deficiency anemia, allergies, diarrhea, coronary heart sickness, colic, cramps, gastrointestinal bleeding, sinusitis, pores and skin rashes, pimples, extended frequency of colds and flu, arthritis, diabetes, ear infections, osteoporosis, allergies, autoimmune illnesses, and extra, probably even lung most cancers, a couple of sclerosis and on Hodgkin’s lymphoma…

And what approximately the declare that milk is a fantastic source of calcium?

Ounce for ounce, a single head of broccoli has extra calcium than a glass of cow’s milk. However, even more, essential is the locating that the form of calcium placed in green vegetables is higher absorbed and does not leach from the bones… Unlike excessive protein-containing dairy merchandise.

In short, desirable sufficient quantities of inexperienced greens are plenty higher calcium assets than milk and cheese.

Myth 6: Eggs are excessive in cholesterol and ought to, therefore, be avoided.

Fact: You can devour 1 or 2 complete eggs consistent with day and no longer be worried about increased LDL cholesterol.

There has been a sizable perception that eggs are terrible on your coronary heart; however, ingesting complete eggs daily can also show to hold numerous fitness benefits, including a reduced hazard of coronary heart disease!

Research showed that, in wholesome adults, eating eggs every day did now not produce a boom in cholesterol levels or represent an increased cardiac hazard.

While it’s miles right that egg yolks consist of LDL cholesterol (of which the frame calls for a fine quantity), we should no longer expect that consuming dietary cholesterol will yield growth in blood LDL cholesterol. Therein lies the confusion. There is NO correlation between nutritional LDL cholesterol and serum (blood) levels of cholesterol. So skip in advance, eat an egg, or keep with the day (ideally the natural, free-range) and experience the healthful heart advantages.

Myth 7: Margarine is a higher choice than butter.

Fact: Avoid margarine in any respect charges. And that consists of the so-called healthful olive oil-based totally margarine. Butter is better! Despite unjustified warnings approximately saturated fat, the listing of butter’s advantages is absolutely astounding. Butter is a wealthy supply of nutrients A, D, E, and K and trace minerals and fatty acids vital for pretty a range of wholesome physical abilities. Standing in direct competition to wholesome qualities stand margarine and various ‘vegetable oil’ spreads.’ While the ones may be inexpensive, the possibilities are you would by no means eat them once more if you knew how they had been made!

Margarine is crafted from various vegetable oils that have been heated to particularly excessive temperatures. This ensures the oils turn out to be rancid. After that, a nickel catalyst is introduced on the aspect of hydrogen atoms to solidify it. Nickel is a poisonous heavy metal, and small quantities constantly stay within the completed product. Finally, deodorants and colors are delivered to get rid of margarine’s terrible smell (from the rancid oils) and unappetizing grey color. In the solidification approach, dangerous carcinogenic trans-fatty acids are created. Ask yourself, would possibly you, as an alternative, have healthful food with wholesome developments? Or a stick of carcinogenic, bleached and deodorized slop.

Given a choice, pick out the butter!

Myth eight: Artificial sweeteners are an extraordinary opportunity to sugar

Artificial Sweeteners are incredibly poisonous to the frame!

Aspartame (frequently categorized as ‘phenylalanine’) and marketed below the call NutraSweet, Splenda, and Equal are associated with a massive variety of fitness and neurological problems fibromyalgia, lupus, Alzheimer’s, and MS. Often described as a silent killer, signs and symptoms of aspartame toxicity are in the most important neurological and might embody numbness of the legs, cramps, vertigo, dizziness, complications, tinnitus, joint ache, despair (aspartame reduces serotonin tiers in the brain) tension assaults, slurred speech, blurred vision and memory loss.

Those of us looking at our waistline are often tempted via claims of ‘0 sugar’ or low carbohydrates. However, more often than not these foods and drinks contain artificial sweeteners. Paradoxically, artificial sweeteners reason carbohydrate cravings that may cause weight benefit! Today, artificial sweeteners may be determined within the whole thing, from clean drinks to yogurt to baked goods to chewing gum. Although small quantities are not going to be hard, be discerning of your meals options and be conscious that repeated ingestion of artificial sweeteners can be negative for your long-term health.


Myth 9: You need to devour a low-fat weight loss plan

Fact: The body desires fat! Especially ‘essential information.’

This idea that each one fat is awful is, in reality, untrue. Every cellular within the human frame calls for fats for metabolic talents, hormones, brain function,ands many specific critical features. Your body wishes ‘vital fat’ out of your food regimen (vital definitely technique that our body can’t make it by way of itself). The wonderful sources are excessive in omega 3 and embody olive oil, nuts, avocado, and fish oils.

The rights fats assist in reducing blood pressure, thinning your blood, and preventing blood clots. Likewise, maximum inflammatory conditions can be avoided or managed with regular omega-three fat inside the diet regime. A loss of omega-three in your diet will intensify several inflammatory situations ranging from hypersensitive reactions to arthritis or even heart problems.

The fat-soluble Vitamins A, D, E and K cannot be absorbed except we’ve got were given enough fat in our weight-reduction plan. Therefore regardless of how many nutrients wealthy end result and vegetables you eat, if you have a low-fat food regimen, it is extraordinarily in all likelihood, you could sooner or later go through degenerative diseases because of dietary deficiencies. One example is osteoporosis. For calcium in our weight-reduction plan to emerge as bone mass, it requires the presence of Vitamin D and Vitamin K to be absorbed.

As the human mind is 70% lipid (fat), we want a normal consumption of healthy fats and cholesterol to function well. Therefore it ought to not surprise you that a low consumption of fat can motive quick-term reminiscence loss, loss of attention, melancholy, bipolar disorders and schizophrenia, and, for a long time, Alzheimer’s disease.

Symptoms of insufficient fats in our weight loss plan consisting of improved cholesterol levels, dry and flaky pores and skin, loss of pores and pores, and skin elasticity and wrinkles. (The advantages of healthy fats are just like antioxidants.) Healthy fats are consequently an essential factor in your healthy eating plan. Eat fat, but select the right fit!

Myth 10: I must drink pink wine as it’s recommended with the aid of my doctor for pinnacle coronary heart fitness

Fact: It’s now not the alcohol in pink wine that is right for you. Alcohol is a neurotoxin!

It’s not the alcohol in crimson wine this is related to a decreased prevalence of coronary heart ailment, it’s miles an antioxidant located in crimson grapes referred to as resveratrol. Wines include plentiful portions of polyphenols, a category of antioxidants not discovered in different alcoholic beverages. The interest of polyphenols in purple wine is numerous more than that during the white wine and its miles, which are probably associated with some health advantages.

Alcohol itself is virtually a neurotoxin and additional consumption can seriously disrupt your touchy hormone balance, reason liver harm, and other health troubles.\ If you are a non-drinker, my recommendation is honestly this… Don’t start now! Remember, it’s miles, not the alcohol in purple wine. It simply is proper for you – it’s miles the antioxidants. Use moderation, or drink grape juice as an opportunity!


So there you’ve got it. The top 10 fitness myths in the end uncovered. I inspire you to be vigilant in your pursuit of unique health and be wary of health claims made thru the media, the pharmaceutical companies, or even your own medical doctor. When it comes to your health, you are only in the motive force’s seat. Do your non-public studies, attempting to find out valid sources of information and discover herbal and possibility remedy plans in which appropriate. It’s thru retaining open thoughts, questioning and evaluating current-day fitness guidelines, that you may honestly take manage of your health and will be.