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Five Easy Ways to Make a Business More Sustainable

Make a Business

Photo by CHUTTERSNAP on Unsplash

In 2021, there’s a greater onus than ever on businesses to be sustainable. This means they must behave to have zero negative impact on the natural world. If every company were sustainable, by this definition, they could continue operating indefinitely without global ecosystems crashing.

Businesses aspiring to this goal might adopt a few different practices. Let’s take a look at a few of them.

Working from Home

The evidence is now clear, despite some pre-pandemic skepticism. The evidence is now clear, despite some pre-pandemic skepticism. If workers don’t have to come to work, their cars won’t be on the road, and the demand for public transport will be lowered. Moreover, having fewer office employees means you can downsize your premises – reducing your heating and electricity bill.

Create a culture of sustainability.

Share your vision of sustainable operation with your employees ensuring they are “bought in” on what you’re trying to achieve. Creating departmental focus groups tasked with producing less waste is a great method of getting your staff to think critically about their waste output.

culture of sustainability

Photo by Artem Beliaikin on Unsplash

Use Sustainable Paper

In a recent blog, Rotherham-based printing giant instant print highlighted the importance of using paper marked by the Forest Stewardship Council as coming from sustainable sources. This will show your customers that you operate with eco-friendly ethics.

Have a Recycling Policy

The waste your business produces doesn’t have to go straight to landfill – it can be used to create new materials that can be used repeatedly. Cardboard, paper, and certain sorts of plastic will all fit into this category. However, your business will only be an effective force for recycling if you have a policy in place and your employees are trained to develop the right recycling habits. Make it easy for them in any way you can – if bins are situated in the right place, they stand a much better chance of being used.

Charitable donations don’t just have to be the responsibility of individual donors. Organizations can also make them. You might pledge to give away a certain portion of the price of particular products and services to the environmental charity of your choice, or you might hold events where employees raise money for a good cause. Far from resenting these practices, you might find certain workers take great satisfaction in knowing that a portion of their labor will help for a good reason.